So I decided to take a look at biblatex again, which is nicely done.
Here’s the entry for particles:
useprefix=true, false (default: false)
Whether the name prefix (von, van, of, da, de, della, etc.)
is considered when
printing the last name in citations. This also aǀects the
sorting and formatting
of the bibliography as well as the generation of certain
types of labels. If this
option is enabled, biblatex always precedes the last name
with the prefix. For
example, Ludwig van Beethoven would be cited as “Beethoven”
and alphabetized
as “Beethoven, Ludwig van” by default. If this option is
enabled, he is cited as “van
Beethoven” and alphabetized as “Van Beethoven, Ludwig” instead.
So he uses just one parameter for both sorting and display, and its
value is a boolean.
Also interesting to note that he handles contributor substitution by
simple parameter (useeditor and usetranslator). Is there an argument
to make that we ought to do that as well?