Current behavior and appropriate default behavior
Zotero currently removes all-lowercase words from the beginning of the
last name field in a name when generating sort keys (L660-662,
csl.js), but the particle is included for display purposes. This will
produce results like the following:
Abner, Lisle
di Doe, Jack
van Doe, John
de Doe, Stephen
Goode, Charles
This rather chaotic result is produced by orderly sort keys that look
like as follows:
[Abner, Lisle]
[Doe, Jack]
[Doe, John]
[Doe, Stephen]
[Goode, Charles]
According to Rintze, the display form currently used is correct (for a
significant category of publications, at least), but the particle
should in this instance be appended to the last name when composing
the sort key. This would display the same names in the following
Abner, Lisle
de Doe, Stephen
di Doe, Jack
van Doe, John
Goode, Charles
Note that the “de” entry has moved to the top of the list of persons
with last name “Doe”. According to Rintze, this is normal sorting
behaviour in Holland, where names containing particles are common.
The sort keys that produce this ordering are like as follows:
[Abner, Lisle]
[Doe de, Stephen]
[Doe di, Jack]
[Doe van, John]
[Goode, Charles]
We feel that the ordering given in the first example above (reflecting
current Zotero behavior) is difficult to read, and neither of us is
aware of a publication that requires it. We feel that either the
display order or the sort order ought to be changed. Regarding
display order, altering it (by removing the particle, or by changing
its position) would be a significant and unexpected change to the
appearance of bibliographies in the hands of end users. We would
expect this to produce a volume of support queries in the forums,
which would be undesirable.
As the second pair of examples given above is close to current Zotero
behavior in appearance, and is known to be actually used in
publishing, we believe that it should be the default.
It might be easier to
just include the text you’d propose for the spec (as I do above),
Your sample spec language reads as follows:
The default sorting priority of personal name parts is: family, given,
suffix. This may be modified with a global parameter [insert name]
that offers two options for dealing with particles (“von”, “de”, “bin”
and so forth):
- [insert value] [insert explanation]
- [insert value] [insert explanation]
I believe that by this you mean that there should be three options for
sorting. One would place the particle before the family name.
Another would place the particle after the family name. And a third
would omit the particle from the sort key altogether. Please confirm
that this is a correct understanding.
If that is a correct understanding, then each of these sort orderings
might be associated with one or more display orderings. In the
current proposal, sort ordering and display ordering would be
controlled by separate options. We believe that this will be easier
to manage than a scheme that attempts to control sorting behavior and
display behavior through a single option. Please also confirm that we
have agreement on this point.
I can post again with proposed text for the spec once we are sure
we’re on the same page re the points above.