'vs.' as stop word?

Hi, I’m using pandoc 1.12 and passing the bibtex entry below in for
processing. This is a court case and so I don’t want ‘vs.’ capitalized
though the CSL declaration for the title is text-case="title".

I see that CSL has stop words but that the list doesn’t include ‘vs.’
. Is there anyway to augment it? If not, any other trick I might use?

day = {18},
month = {09},
number = {12-1671},
organization = {4th Cir.},
title = {{Bland} {vs.} {Roberts}},
url = {http://legaltimes.typepad.com/files/usca4-facebook.pdf},
urldate = {2013-09-28},
year = {2013},

Frank has thought more about that - I don’t think there is a strong reason
against it. That said, in the CSL styles where we actually deal with cases
we make a point of not title casing case names for exactly that reason.On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 9:23 AM, Joseph Reagle <@Joseph_Reagle>wrote:

I’m using turabian.csl and it has a title-case declaration on
legal_case. In any case, even if it didn’t, then I’d have to move from
keeping my bibliographic data in title case and manually do this myself?> Frank has thought more about that - I don’t think there is a strong reason

So how does one go about amending the spec and getting ‘vs.’ added as a
stop word?

this is the right place. We have another still unresolved thread in which I
suggest a long list of prepositions to be added, I don’t see why we
shouldn’t add vs. to those.On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Joseph Reagle <@Joseph_Reagle>wrote:

this is the right place. We have another still unresolved thread in which I
suggest a long list of prepositions to be added, I don’t see why we
shouldn’t add vs. to those.

Joseph mentioned in another thread that Turabian sets legal_case names
in title case, which makes this an issue. As a general thing, I
wouldn’t recommend forcing the text-case on legal_case titles; but
adding vs to the stop-list of prepositions should be no problem, as
far as I can see.

When the stop-list is added to the specification repo, I’ll update the
stop-list in citeproc-js.


I haven’t seen your larger list, but in my function for sentence casing
I have the following words2ignore:

https://github.com/reagle/thunderdell/blob/master/fe.py#L528On 10/09/2013 06:27 PM, Sebastian Karcher wrote:

this is the right place. We have another still unresolved thread in which I
suggest a long list of prepositions to be added, I don’t see why we
shouldn’t add vs. to those.

    articles = ['a', 'an', 'the']
    conjunctions = ['and', 'but', 'for', 'or', 'nor']
    contractions = ['s', 't', 've', 're']   # following apostrophe
    others = ['18th', '19th', '20th', '21st']
    prepositions = 'aboard about above across after against along among
around as at before behind below beneath beside  between beyond but by
concerning despite down during except for from in  into like near of off
on onto out outside over past per regarding since through throughout
till to toward under underneath until up  upon vs. versus with within

    words2ignore = articles + conjunctions + contractions + others +

my list is here: https://gist.github.com/adam3smith/6326169
already has vs. on it, I had forgotten about that.On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Joseph Reagle <@Joseph_Reagle>wrote: