My experience with BibDesk shows that this is a pretty big issue.
It’s good to have the options you describe, but where would someone
specify that a word is an Acronym and therefore should never be
It’s tempting to allow a user to have a list of Acronyms, but that
would never work because of ones like IS (Information Science/Systems
I think this is what Bookends does.
The information has to be in the citation record.
One option is to force the user to {} protect acronyms in the title,
but people find that very confusing in BibDesk/BibTex and so just {}
protect the whole title, which then breaks styles. One option that
we’ve considered is having a GUI checkbox next to the title that,
when checked, {} wraps words in ALLCAPS, but that doesn’t work for
Proper Names and wrapping all capitals seems a bit excessive.
One idea kicking around the Zotero forums was using CSS classes for
doing what some users are asking for in notes and such: rich text. So
use a class like “species-name” for latin species names, and specify
italic there.
That could translate well to this context because you could also reuse
semantic xhtml structure like abbr.
But there’s still the question of UI. Maybe when entering such a title
an application could flag possible words that need special treatment,
and the user could select the class or structure to apply to it?
So imagine I enter: “The ABC of Tao” or some such.
The app highlights “ABC” and the user can select an acronym option. Or
maybe it automatically applies it (b/c easy in this case) but the user
can change.
Another option is specifying Capitalized tokens in another citation
field, but that seems like even more work for the user.
The other situation is capitalization after things like : and ? or
— but that can be handled.
If CSL is going to alter capitalization, how would it get its
citation specific exception information from?
Yeah, this is an ugly, ugly problem.
I think we have to allow it be specified in the CSL, but have to leave
it to others how to implement.