I just ran across a missing feature in the schema. Default name
formatting parameters can be set in cs:style, but there doesn’t seem
to be a way to turn this one off.
That is, if we set name-as-sort-order=“first” on the cs:style node,
the only options available on individual cs:name nodes are "first"
itself, and “always”, so it’s no longer possible to get normal
name-ordering anywhere in the style. If we add “never” as a third
option, the attribute may see more use in styles.
Schema: https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/blob/v1.0.1/csl.rnc#L543
Specification: http://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#names
Yes, I agree.
(That said, I generally discourage setting these attributes in cs:style. I
think cs: name is a better place for them, both logically and also in terms
of what we’re doing in most styles, so it makes the relevant attribute
easier to find.)
Yes, I agree.
(That said, I generally discourage setting these attributes in cs:style. I
think cs: name is a better place for them, both logically and also in terms
of what we’re doing in most styles, so it makes the relevant attribute
easier to find.)
I can see the sense of that. My use case was in the context of a
modular style, where I needed a means of defaulting the leading list
of authors to the correct form without touching the module code. (I
know that there are doubts about whether modularity is right for CSL,
but I haven’t given up
Sure. Do you need a way to cancel any other hierarchical attributes as
well? (Like the et-al settings?)
Sure. Do you need a way to cancel any other hierarchical attributes as well?
(Like the et-al settings?)
Thanks. The only one-way sticking point is with name-as-sort-order, as
far as I can tell. The et-al things should be okay as they are.