Grouping by author in biblio

Just a note to say that I’ve found another example of grouping by
author name in a bibliography. It is in a book so I don’t know what
style it is following.

It looks like this:--------------

Author Name

date, details
date, details
date, detials

Author Name and some grad student

date, details

It is in a review book in science and technology studies (STS: An
advanced Introduction, NYU Press).

Just letting Bruce know that this format is used outside the humanities
(although STS is closer than most other tech fields).

+1 315 395 4056

James Howison wrote:

Author Name

date, details
date, details
date, detials

Author Name and some grad student

date, details

Thanks. After David squashes these little bugs, we need to figure out a
function that will handle all this.

It just occurred to me that the above is really just a variation on the
common practice of doing:

Doe, J. (1999) …
———. (2001) …

In your example, the author is just given it’s own line, and there is no
“———.” The trick will be figuring out how to configure this in CSL.
