Zotero Style Repository code now on GitHub

Dan Stillman helpfully put the code behind the Zotero Style Repository
on GitHub: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/zotero-dev/LLg_oiRxS0s

Some related thoughts:

  • Is it desirable/possible to move http://www.zotero.org/styles to
    http://citationstyles.org/styles/ and rename it to “CSL Style
    Repository”? I think that that would strengthen the CSL brand.
    (obviously the Zotero folks should be clearly attributed, since
    they’ve build the site and maintain it)
  • Are there any easy ways to improve the speed of the repository? The
    page loads a bit slow and searching is a bit choppy (I’m always
    impressed by the responsiveness of GitHub’s File Finder, see
    https://github.com/blog/793-introducing-the-file-finder ; e.g. test
    the File Finder at https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles ,
    and you’ll see that search results update almost instantaneously)
  • Are there any features we’d like to add? I personally would like to
    see some filtering capabilities based on the default-locale values of
    the styles. It would be nice if there was an easy way to e.g. show all
    the French styles.

Since the code is now out in the open, this would make a nice side
project for anybody interested. :slight_smile:
