Remove implementation-specific guidance from

The page at provides specific
guidance notes for installing styles in three applications that
currently use CSL: Zotero, Mendeley and citeproc-hs. From a
maintenance perspective, this should probably be reduced to a generic
note referring users to the documentation of their application for
guidance on style versions and installation, maybe with links to the
home sites of the known apps.


From a maintenance perspective, this should probably be reduced to a generic
note referring users to the documentation of their application for
guidance on style versions and installation,

If maintenance is a problem then you could replace each section with a
link to a help page for the corresponding program - though I think it
would still be useful to the user to have specific links for each
program rather than requiring them to go and search through the
documentation of Zotero, Mendeley etc. themselves for the relevant

Robert.2010/1/24 Frank Bennett <@Frank_Bennett>:

If maintenance is a problem then you could replace each section with a
link to a help page for the corresponding program

A help page on the corresponding program’s website that is.

Robert.2010/1/26 Robert Knight <@Robert_Knight>:

My reason for adding the section was that I couldn’t find these help pages.

For Mendeley, I could only find
"Additionally you can define custom styles using the CSL style format which
is also used by Zotero. In Windows the files are usually kept in C:\Program
Files\Mendeley Desktop\citationStyles . To add new styles just drop the
files in there and then restart the client."
but I couldn’t find a way to link specifically to this comment.

For Zotero, there is some info at, but neither wiki page is
particularly complete.

That said, I agree that the linking to the websites of the different
programs would be preferable.

RintzeOn Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:03 AM, Robert Knight <@Robert_Knight>wrote: