I’ve been working on a rather troublesome CSL for the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA). Here are some questions and comments that have come up:
I suggest that label element in should have form=“short-initialized”. This way “p.” and “pp.” will display without using suffix=".". Any thoughts?
In the defaults section, should the date element be allowed within ? The year seems to be bundled with the publication data in many styles – e.g. “(New York: Random House, 2004)”.
Reminder: should in some way be able to display “and others”.
Reminder: we should add the following form values to : form=“verb-short” and form=“verb-long”. This will display “ed. by” and “edited by” respectively.
I would like access to the XBib repository so I can deposit and update styles. I’ve not done this before, but it’s about time I started.====================
These questions are more directed toward Simon:
- The following does not work:
Nothing is displaying. Shouldn’t it print out Zotero’s “Series” field? Have you had any problems with this?
What CSL element matches to Zotero’s “Series Number”?
What CSL element matches to Zotero’s “# of Volumes”?
Reminder: we’ll need you to map out the CSL elements and their relationship to Zotero’s fields. This will go a long way to avoid confusion.
I am not comfortable making changes to the RNG schema. If changes need to be made and Bruce is busy would you mind doing them at your leisure? Ideally, any time Zotero’s parser diverges from the schema the RNG should be updated after community deliberations and Bruce’s approval.