Query about label and locator

Andrew Ashton and Ning Shi at Brown University, working toward a
deployment there, have submitted a test that makes use of the label
element. I need to complete its implementation to get the test
working, and I’ve run into a question.

Exploring the use cases for label, I found this in the harvard1.csl
style (surrounding tags simplified for illustration purposes):###

As far as I know, bibliography entries are generated from the item
data, drawn (in Zotero) from the user’s database, and the locator is
available only when the item is cited. I have no idea what this
variable is doing in the bibliography area here, and I’m stumped as to
how to handle it.

Can anyone provide a clue, or is this a mistake in the CSL that
accidentally does something sensible? Any pointers greatly


Although the schema doesn’t seem to say so explicitly, I think it’s just
incorrect use, as it doesn’t make any sense. Multiple in-text citations to
the same item can differ in their locator-types (e.g. volume or page), so it
wouldn’t even always be clear in the bibliography what the type of the
locator variable is. Also my tests in csledit show that you can’t even get
the variable locator to output if you put it in the bibliography section. If
all you ever want to show is the value of the page-variable, why not just

RintzeOn Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 3:11 AM, Frank Bennett <@Frank_Bennett>wrote:

Although the schema doesn’t seem to say so explicitly, I think it’s just
incorrect use, as it doesn’t make any sense. Multiple in-text citations to
the same item can differ in their locator-types (e.g. volume or page), so it
wouldn’t even always be clear in the bibliography what the type of the
locator variable is. Also my tests in csledit show that you can’t even get
the variable locator to output if you put it in the bibliography section. If
all you ever want to show is the value of the page-variable, why not just

That’s what I’ve concluded, too. It seems to be a typo. I looked at
the other styles under ./csl, and this was the only one with that
usage. It looks from the Zotero source as if an undefined locator
label defaults to “page”, but it could be that the “locator” magic
variable is disabled completely in bibliography.
