I think there is an error in the test:
According to the specification:
"When set to “family”, the formatting [of name-part elements] acts on
the “family”, “dropping-particle” and “non-dropping-particle"
name-parts (the “suffix” name-part is not subject to any name-part
So while “van” must be in small-caps, ‘III’ should not. Am I right?
A question about titles: bibutils has an option for not splitting
titles. That means that the title, by default, is split into a 'title’
and a ‘short-title’ variable whenever a punctuation occurs (the
problem with bibutils is that the punctuation is lost, so I’m using
the option to suppress this behavior).
I’ve also seen that such a rule is applied in the test-suite (under
the ‘form’ group).
Since I didn’t know the rule before, where does the split happen (only
with ‘:.?!’ I suppose)?
A third question about “title” capitalization (headline style): did
you set some specific rule? If not I think I’m going to follow the
ones you may read here:
(4.3. Headline Style Capitalization)