Labels depending on item language

Is there a way to use different labels and terms depending on the item language? (Like “ed./eds.” for titles in English, “Hrsg.” for everything else.)

CSL-M supports this. The test fixture shows how it works.

(I am in the process of rearranging things in the citeproc-js repository, the link will go dead within the next day or so. It will be moved to this link).

Ok. This looks really good. But if I understand it correctly this will use a certain locale for the whole layout element, which means it will also affect quotes and other terms, right? I actually only need a different term for editors for publications in English? Is there a way to achieve this?

Ah. I’m glad you raised this one. I remembered this as adjusting the locale within the scope of the test. It wasn’t doing that. I think I left this hanging after getting part of the distance to a solution. I’ve finished that work now, and added a test for it. The revised processor still passes other tests, so I’ll include the change in the next release, which should be out sometime tomorrow. I’ll also update the entry on the CSL-M locale attribute to cover the new behavior.

It’s up now. You can try out the new version, with support for locale switching inside a locale=“de” test, by installing the Propachi plugin in Z Standalone:

The current plugin is at processor tag 1.1.227. When that tag or higher is adopted in a Zotero release, you should remove the plugin.

Great news! It will probably take a few days before I’ll be able to test this.

Concerning removing the plugin: Where can I see which version of citeproc-js is used by Zotero?