Hello everyone,
Being new to CSL, I’m trying to modify the Chicago Manual of Style 17th (note, short title subsequent), but I stuck with the colon placed within quotation marks. The style I’m using requires a colon before pages following the rule when full stop and comma should be placed within the quotation marks, while colon and semicolon should be placed outside. But in the Chicago Manual colon always stays inside the quotation marks, and I have no idea how to put it outside.
As I figured out in practice, the following changes don’t solve the problem:
- choosing “false” or “true” in the “punctuation-in-quote” doesn’t change anything at all;
- changing locale language from “en” to “en-US” or “en-GB” (“en-GB” doesn’t work for me anyway since it ignores some of my modifications);
- using a colon as a delimiter in a group;
- using a colon as a prefix for locator (variable) / pages.
Here is a link to my CSL file.
I found a discussion on Zotero about fixing the Chicago Manual “punctuation inside quotation marks” issues, but it doesn’t work for me. Punctuation inside quotation marks - Zotero Forums
Do you know about any existing solutions to my problem? Or do you have any ideas on how to fix this?
Can you provide a sample entry in CSL-JSON format to demonstrate the issue (see this in the test-suite)?
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Dear @zepinglee,
Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, I’m not good at coding, and I have no idea how to correctly provide the entry in the CSL-JSON format, even though I’ve read a few instructions.
Is there anything else I can do to demonstrate the issue?
If you are using Zotero, you may right-click the entry, “export item”, and select CSL-JSON format. Other formats like BibTeX are also OK.
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Great, thank you for this instruction! Here are sample 1 and sample 2.
The following is the result of these two entries with the CSL style.
Martin Bell and John Taylor, “Conclusion: Emerging Research Themes,” in Population Mobility and Indigenous Peoples in Australasia and North America, ed. John Taylor and Martin Bell (London: Routledge, 2004): 262–67.
Catherine M. Cameron, “How People Moved among Ancient Societies: Broadening the View,” in American Anthropologist 115, no. 2 (2013): 218–31.
If line 15 of the CSL style is modified to <style-options punctuation-in-quote="false"/>
, the commas are moved outside quotation marks (see below). However both entries do not seem to involve colons in quotation marks.
Martin Bell and John Taylor, “Conclusion: Emerging Research Themes”, in Population Mobility and Indigenous Peoples in Australasia and North America, ed. John Taylor and Martin Bell (London: Routledge, 2004): 262–67.
Catherine M. Cameron, “How People Moved among Ancient Societies: Broadening the View”, in American Anthropologist 115, no. 2 (2013): 218–31.
@ednicole Can you provide a example related to the “colon insides quotes” issue?
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Yes, this problem mainly concerns subsequent short notes, like here:
And style-options punctuation-in-quote=“false”/ doesn’t really influence this issue.
@zepinglee Is there a way to demonstrate this issue in the CSL-JSON format?
Yes, I can reproduce that with the fixture in https://gist.github.com/zepinglee/6d790f385ba0515aa47a316c91199940#file-punctuation_colonoutsidequotation-txt.
Unfortunately my result is the opposite. The citeproc-js (master branch, 738d51c2) produces the following result with punctuation-in-quote="false"
and default language en-US
Bell and Taylor, “Conclusion: Emerging Research Themes”: 265.
Cameron, “How People Moved”: 220.
I also get the same results in the Style Editor of Zotero 6.0.20 and pandoc 2.19.2. @ednicole Which software are you working with?
CSL-JSON is merely the format for bibliographic data. A full test fixture for citeproc-js consists of other components as in https://gist.github.com/zepinglee/6d790f385ba0515aa47a316c91199940#file-punctuation_colonoutsidequotation-txt.
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Thank you for your answer. I am also using Zotero 6.0.20, and the examples I sent I made using this software. Should I edit the code in Zotero to fix it?
I got this result first when editing with the Visual CSL Editor. I tried different default languages and punctuation-in-quote=“false”/, but it didn’t change the problem with a colon in quotation marks. Is it possible that the Visual CSL Editor is the reason for this issue?
Keeping punctuation-in-quote="false"
should work fine.
Yes, it’s very likely. As far as I know, the citation processor in style editor is not exactly the one in Zotero and it’s possible to produce different results.
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Unfortunately, I have the same results in Visual CSL Editor and Zotero. And punctuation-in-quote=“false” doesn’t help me.
But, I don’t understand why you have a different result with the same code using the same software. What can I do wrong here? Could you please send me the code you’re using in Zotero to get the colon outside of the quotation marks?