How to handle .CSL's format and abbreviations (like *ibidem*, *op.cit.*, etc.) for .pdf output in pandoc (in RStudio Quarto)?

Thank you all in advance, for being here, for this amazing tool that CSL is, and for taking the time for reading this.
I am using a .csl file in a Quarto project, as it is implemented as a feature, specifying an entry in the YML header which tells citeproc to reshape citations and bibliography as per the style imposed by the .csl file.
I am have already asked this in the Quarto GitHub project page opening an issue. There you can find info about the version of the software I am using for writing my .pdf, which I do not know them to have any relevance here in this forum.

Issue illustration

I am currently having to use a custom .csl file to style my citations in order to comply with my istitution’s annoying rules, but it does not seem to work as expected.

For instance, take into account that I have to cite inside two different footnotes (yes, I have to cite sources in footnotes) pages 1 to 10 and then pages 11 to 17 of the following article

	title = {Statistical models: {Conventional}, penalized and hierarchical likelihood},
	volume = {3},
	issn = {1935-7516},
	shorttitle = {Statistical models},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1214/08-SS039},
	number = {none},
	urldate = {2022-11-01},
	journal = {Statistics Surveys},
	author = {Commenges, Daniel},
	year = {2009},

and that, concerning citation abbreviations, in the locale block of my .csl file I have (please, notice the short and long abbreviations forms)

<locale xml:lang="it-IT">
      <term name="page" form="short">
      <term name="translator" form="verb-short">tr. it. di</term>
      <term name="no date">s.d.</term>
      <term name="ibid" form="short">ivi</term>
      <term name="ibid" form="long">ibidem</term>
      <term name="cited" form="short">cit.</term>
      <term name="cited" form="long">op.cit.</term>
      <term name="issue" form="short">fasc.</term>
      <term name="season-01">primavera</term>
      <term name="season-02">estate</term>
      <term name="season-03">autunno</term>
      <term name="season-04">inverno</term>

Hence, I create a footnote and then type

@commenges_statistical_2009, pp. 1-10.

So, I make another footnote and type

@commenges_statistical_2009, pp. 11-17.

Actual behaviour

I get (please, notice the short shaped abbreviation cit. in the second citation, and that there is no space between the abbreviation and the quotation glyph ``>>‘’ ) the following

> D. COMMENGES, Statistical models: Conventional, penalized and hierarchical likeli-
hood, «Statistics Surveys», vol. 3, fasc. none, 2009,
and-hierarchical-likelihood/10.1214/08-SS039.full, pp. 1-1

> D. Commenges, «Statistical models»cit., pp. 1-17.

Expected behaviour

I get (please, notice the long shaped abbreviation op. cit. in the second citation, and that there is a blank space between the abbreviation itself and the quotation glyph ``>>‘’) the following

> D. COMMENGES, Statistical models: Conventional, penalized and hierarchical likeli-
hood, «Statistics Surveys», vol. 3, fasc. none, 2009,
and-hierarchical-likelihood/10.1214/08-SS039.full, pp. 1-1

> D. Commenges, «Statistical models» op.cit., pp. 1-17.


How to deal with such an issue?
Do I have to modify something in .csl file or do I have, perhaps, to specify something to get the long form of the abbreviation (op.cit instead of cit.).
Moreover, is there a way for one to make use of the handy abbreviation ibidem (or ivi, as per the short form in this .csl)?
I am asking this additional question too because it is not clear how one could specify same resource with same pages in two different citations and get the supposed abbreviation ibidem as a replacement for a matching citation following the first.

The .csl file itself

Hereby follows the .csl I am using in Quarto specifying it in the proper YML field, which I got modifying the one named Quaderni Materialisti (Italiano).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<style xmlns="" class="note" version="1.0" default-locale="it-IT" demote-non-dropping-particle="sort-only">
  <!-- This style was edited with the Visual CSL Editor ( -->
    <title>Quaderni Materialisti (Italiano)</title>
    <link href="" rel="self"/>
    <link href="" rel="template"/>
    <link href="" rel="documentation"/>
      <name>Patrick O'Brien</name>
    <category citation-format="note"/>
    <category field="humanities"/>
    <category field="linguistics"/>
    <category field="philosophy"/>
    <rights license="">This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License</rights>
  <locale xml:lang="it-IT">
      <term name="page" form="short">
      <term name="translator" form="verb-short">tr. it. di</term>
      <term name="no date">s.d.</term>
      <term name="ibid" form="short">ivi</term>
      <term name="ibid" form="long">ibidem</term>
      <term name="cited" form="short">cit.</term>
      <term name="cited" form="long">op.cit.</term>
      <term name="issue" form="short">fasc.</term>
      <term name="season-01">primavera</term>
      <term name="season-02">estate</term>
      <term name="season-03">autunno</term>
      <term name="season-04">inverno</term>
  <macro name="editor-translator">
    <group delimiter=", ">
        <if variable="author">
          <names variable="editor" delimiter=", ">
            <name initialize-with=". "/>
            <label form="verb" text-case="lowercase" prefix=" (" suffix=") " strip-periods="true"/>
            <if variable="container-author">
                <text term="in" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
                <names variable="container-author">
                  <name initialize-with=". "/>
        <if variable="author editor" match="any">
            <if match="none" variable="original-title">
              <names variable="translator" delimiter=", ">
                <label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" strip-periods="true" prefix=" "/>
                <name prefix=" "/>
  <macro name="secondary-contributors">
      <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="none">
        <text macro="editor-translator"/>
  <macro name="container-contributors">
      <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
        <text macro="editor-translator"/>
  <macro name="editor-note">
    <names variable="editor">
      <name initialize-with=". "/>
      <label form="verb" prefix=" (" suffix=")" strip-periods="true"/>
  <macro name="translator-note">
    <names variable="translator">
      <name sort-separator=", " delimiter=", "/>
      <label form="verb-short" prefix=", "/>
  <macro name="recipient-note">
    <names variable="recipient" delimiter=", ">
      <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
      <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
  <macro name="contributors-note">
    <names variable="author" font-variant="small-caps">
      <name initialize-with=". "/>
        <text macro="editor-note"/>
        <text macro="translator-note"/>
    <text macro="recipient-note"/>
  <macro name="editor">
    <names variable="editor">
      <name delimiter-precedes-last="always" initialize-with=". " name-as-sort-order="first"/>
      <label form="verb" strip-periods="false" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
  <macro name="translator">
    <names variable="translator">
      <name name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
      <label form="verb-short" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
  <macro name="recipient">
      <if type="personal_communication">
          <if variable="genre">
            <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
            <text term="letter" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
    <text macro="recipient-note" prefix=" "/>
  <macro name="contributors">
    <names variable="author" font-variant="small-caps">
      <name delimiter-precedes-last="always" initialize-with=". " name-as-sort-order="first"/>
        <text macro="editor"/>
        <text macro="translator"/>
    <text macro="recipient" prefix=". "/>
  <macro name="recipient-short">
    <names variable="recipient">
      <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
      <name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
  <macro name="contributors-short">
    <names variable="author">
      <name form="long" initialize-with="." delimiter=", "/>
        <names variable="editor"/>
        <names variable="translator"/>
    <text macro="recipient-short"/>
  <macro name="contributors-sort">
    <names variable="author">
      <name name-as-sort-order="all" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
        <names variable="editor"/>
        <names variable="translator"/>
  <macro name="interviewer-note">
    <names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
      <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
      <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
  <macro name="interviewer">
    <names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
      <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>
      <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
  <macro name="title-note">
      <if variable="title" match="none">
        <text variable="genre"/>
      <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <text macro="original-note"/>
          <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
        <text variable="title" quotes="false" font-style="italic"/>
  <macro name="title">
      <if variable="title" match="none">
          <if type="personal_communication" match="none">
            <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
      <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <text macro="original"/>
          <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
        <text variable="title" quotes="false" font-style="italic"/>
  <macro name="title-short">
      <if disambiguate="true">
          <if variable="title" match="none">
              <if type="interview">
                <text term="interview" text-case="lowercase"/>
              <else-if type="manuscript speech" match="any">
                <text variable="genre" form="short"/>
              <else-if type="personal_communication">
                <text macro="issued"/>
          <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
            <text variable="title" form="short"/>
            <text variable="title" form="short" quotes="true"/>
        <text term="cited" form="short"/>
        <text term="cited" form="long" font-style="italic"/>
  <macro name="description-note">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text macro="interviewer-note"/>
      <text variable="medium"/>
        <if variable="title" match="none"/>
        <else-if type="thesis speech" match="any"/>
          <text variable="genre"/>
  <macro name="description">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <group delimiter=". ">
        <text macro="interviewer"/>
        <text variable="medium" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
        <if variable="title" match="none"/>
        <else-if type="thesis speech" match="any"/>
          <text variable="genre" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
  <macro name="container-title">
      <if type="legal_case" match="none">
        <text variable="container-title" quotes="true" font-style="italic"/>
  <macro name="collection-title">
    <text variable="collection-title"/>
    <text variable="collection-number" prefix=" "/>
  <macro name="locators">
      <if type="article-journal">
        <group delimiter=" " prefix=", ">
          <text term="volume" form="short"/>
          <text variable="volume"/>
        <group prefix=", ">
          <text term="issue" form="short" suffix=" "/>
          <number variable="issue"/>
      <else-if type="legal_case">
        <text variable="volume" prefix=", "/>
        <text variable="container-title" prefix=" "/>
        <text variable="page" prefix=" "/>
        <text variable="locator" prefix=", "/>
      <else-if type="bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song" match="any">
        <group prefix=", " delimiter=", ">
            <text term="volume" form="short" suffix=" "/>
            <number variable="volume" form="roman"/>
            <if variable="locator" match="none">
                <number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
                <text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true"/>
  <macro name="locators-newspaper">
      <if type="article-newspaper">
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <group delimiter=" ">
            <text variable="edition"/>
            <text term="edition"/>
            <text term="section" form="short" suffix=" "/>
            <text variable="section"/>
  <macro name="event">
      <text term="presented at" suffix=" "/>
      <text variable="event"/>
  <macro name="publisher">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text variable="publisher-place"/>
      <text variable="publisher"/>
  <macro name="issued">
      <if variable="issued">
          <if type="graphic report" match="any">
            <date variable="issued">
              <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
              <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
              <date-part name="year"/>
          <else-if type="legal_case">
            <text variable="authority" suffix=" "/>
            <date variable="issued">
              <date-part name="year"/>
          <else-if type="bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song thesis" match="any">
            <date variable="issued">
              <date-part name="year"/>
          <else-if type="article-journal">
            <date variable="issued">
              <date-part name="month" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
              <date-part name="year"/>
            <date variable="issued">
              <date-part name="month" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
              <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
              <date-part name="year"/>
        <text term="no date" form="short"/>
  <macro name="point-locators-subsequent">
        <if locator="page" match="none">
            <if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
                <if variable="volume">
                    <text term="volume" form="short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
                    <number variable="volume" form="numeric"/>
                    <label variable="locator" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
                  <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
        <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
          <number variable="volume" form="numeric" suffix=":"/>
      <text variable="locator"/>
  <macro name="point-locators">
      <if variable="locator" match="none">
        <text macro="pages"/>
      <else-if type="article-journal">
        <text variable="locator" prefix=": "/>
      <else-if type="legal_case"/>
        <group prefix=", ">
            <if locator="page" match="none">
              <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
          <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
          <text variable="locator"/>
  <macro name="pages">
    <label variable="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
    <text variable="page"/>
  <macro name="locators-chapter">
      <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
          <if variable="page">
            <text variable="volume" suffix=":"/>
            <text variable="page"/>
  <macro name="locators-journal">
      <if type="article-journal">
        <label variable="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
        <text variable="page"/>
  <macro name="archive-note">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text variable="archive_location"/>
      <text variable="archive"/>
      <text variable="archive-place"/>
  <macro name="archive">
    <group delimiter=". ">
      <text variable="archive_location" text-case="capitalize-first"/>
      <text variable="archive"/>
      <text variable="archive-place"/>
  <macro name="issue">
      <if type="article-journal legal_case" match="any">
        <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
      <else-if variable="publisher-place publisher" match="any">
        <group prefix=", " delimiter=", ">
          <group delimiter=", ">
              <if variable="title" match="none"/>
              <else-if type="thesis speech" match="any">
                <text variable="genre"/>
            <text macro="event"/>
          <text macro="publisher"/>
          <text macro="issued"/>
        <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
  <macro name="access-note">
    <group delimiter=", ">
        <if type="graphic report" match="any">
          <text macro="archive-note"/>
        <else-if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song thesis" match="none">
          <text macro="archive-note"/>
        <if type="legal_case" match="none">
          <text variable="URL"/>
  <macro name="access">
    <group delimiter=". ">
        <if type="graphic report" match="any">
          <text macro="archive"/>
        <else-if type="article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper bill book chapter graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture paper-conference report song thesis" match="none">
          <text macro="archive"/>
        <if type="legal_case" match="none">
          <text variable="URL"/>
  <macro name="original-note">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text variable="original-title" font-style="italic"/>
      <text variable="original-publisher-place"/>
      <text variable="original-publisher"/>
      <date form="text" variable="original-date"/>
      <names variable="translator">
        <label form="verb-short" suffix=" "/>
  <macro name="original">
    <group delimiter=", ">
      <text variable="original-title"/>
      <text variable="original-publisher-place"/>
      <text variable="original-publisher"/>
      <date form="text" variable="original-date"/>
      <names variable="translator">
        <label form="verb-short" suffix=" "/>
        <name initialize-with=". "/>
  <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1">
    <layout delimiter="; " suffix=".">
        <if position="ibid-with-locator">
          <group delimiter=", ">
            <text term="ibid" form="long" text-case="capitalize-first" font-style="italic"/>
            <text macro="point-locators-subsequent"/>
        <else-if position="ibid">
          <text term="ibid" form="short" text-case="capitalize-first" font-style="italic"/>
        <else-if position="subsequent">
          <group delimiter=", ">
            <text macro="contributors-short"/>
            <text macro="title-short"/>
            <text macro="point-locators-subsequent"/>
          <group delimiter=", ">
            <text macro="contributors-note"/>
            <text macro="title-note"/>
            <text macro="description-note"/>
            <text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
            <text macro="container-contributors"/>
            <text macro="container-title"/>
          <text macro="locators"/>
          <text macro="collection-title" prefix=", "/>
          <text macro="issue"/>
          <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
          <text macro="access-note" prefix=", "/>
          <text macro="point-locators"/>
  <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" subsequent-author-substitute="———" entry-spacing="0">
      <key macro="contributors-sort"/>
      <key variable="title"/>
      <key variable="genre"/>
      <key variable="issued"/>
    <layout suffix=".">
      <group delimiter=", ">
        <text macro="contributors"/>
        <text macro="title"/>
        <text macro="description"/>
        <text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
        <group delimiter=", ">
          <text macro="container-contributors"/>
          <text macro="container-title"/>
          <text macro="locators-chapter"/>
      <text macro="locators"/>
      <text macro="collection-title" prefix=". "/>
      <text macro="issue"/>
      <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
      <text macro="locators-journal"/>
      <text macro="access" prefix=". "/>

Thank you all once more!


Hopefully someone else will drop by and address the details, but worth pointing out (after I looked at the site) that Quarto is using pandoc for the processing, including for the CSL support.

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The short form of this term (<text term="cited" form="short"/>) is in the disambiguate="true" branch in the title-short macro. It means if another work of D. Commenges is cited which causes ambiguity, the short title along with short form of “cited” is outputted. It’s true that the space between them is missing and you may add prefix=" " to the term. If there is no such ambiguity, only the long form of “cited” is outputted. Is this the expected behavior?

The “ibid” term is used in the position="ibid-with-locator" and position="ibid" conditions in the citation element. See the “position” condition in the spec for details.

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Thank you @Bruce_D_Arcus1 for pointing it out, yet indeed I specified the use of Pandoc in this thread’s title :smile: .

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Really thank you @zepinglee for your neat explanation. I added prefix=" " to term as you suggested but in the locale info block to make it like a more “always valid” configuration, and it worked well.

  <locale xml:lang="it-IT">
      <term name="page" form="short">
      <term name="translator" form="verb-short">tr. it. di</term>
      <term name="no date">s.d.</term>
      <term name="ibid" prefix=" " form="short">ivi</term>
      <term name="ibid" prefix=" " form="long">ibidem</term>
      <term name="cited" prefix=" " form="short">cit.</term>
      <term name="cited" prefix=" " form="long">op.cit.</term>
      <term name="issue" prefix=" " form="short">fasc.</term>
      <term name="season-01">primavera</term>
      <term name="season-02">estate</term>
      <term name="season-03">autunno</term>
      <term name="season-04">inverno</term>

I realised this is actually how it should work. Is there any specific approach to avoid ambiguity? I am asking this since it happened that the short form was being outputted even though I was citing the same book.

I know that this could be truly straightforward to be overcome by just typing ‘ibidem’ manually. Nevertheless, I’ll try to figure it out by myself if you can’t add specific details, but, if I may take a bit more advantage of your kindly given help, I still don’t understand how to make use of the page locator in order that, for instance, two successive footnotes like the following

1: @commenges_statistical_2009, pp. 1-17.
2: @commenges_statistical_2009, pp. 1-17

would be printed out as

1: @commenges_statistical_2009, pp. 1-17.
2: *Ibid*.

Thank you once more for the assistance.

Also note that you should not use .bib as a data format when working with CSL in Quarto. This will tend to produce a variety of incorrect citations. Instead, use CSL YAML or CSL JSON data format.

pandoc needs to convert .bib to CSL YAML anyway, and this is a lossy process that tends to produce problems for non-journal/non-book citations.

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HI @bwiernik. I really appreciate your tip, which I have indeed applied, reading Pandoc’s citation related documentation, but I’d rather disagree since I struggled to see any improvement both in output correctness or compilation time, moreover, it would mean that whenever I have to change or add something in my .bib file, I would’ve to transofrm it to .yml or .json using a script or a tool, since I am making use of Zotero which does not export libraries in those formats: an additional step to consider only in case of extremely bad output I think, which is by no means the one I was and am facing.

Originally, I was not aware of this internal conversion since I was only taking on Quarto’s documentation, which is very specific about what kind of bibliography source files are accepted. Moreover, it does suggest to go and read “Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on citation syntax”, yet it seems to me (else I am ****ing blind) that it does not mention to use any other format than bibtex, bilatex or natbib for specifying a bibliography database in the YAML header, having to use something else than those ones being just an overcomplication I fear, given that what one more than often cites or quotes are indeed books and journals.

Note that with Better BibTeX installed Zotero can automatically maintain a separate YAML or JSON file for you.

BiblaTeX is also a good format, though the CSL ones will always best align what you have in Zotero, and what citeproc expects.

Maybe just try BibLaTeX if that’s more comfortable to you?

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