Greetings! Bibcite_extend in-development!

Good day folks!

I’m looking for information about how status fields are handled in other systems. Specifically:

  1. In Press
  2. Submitted
  3. Forthcoming
  4. n.d. (no date)

Many of our bibliographies are citations of historical works which have educated guesses applied to their dating, authors, etc. At this time, Bibcite (using CiteProc-PHP in Drupal 10+) does not appear to support handling alternative date flagging the way Biblio did in Drupal 7-. In that system, editors would identify text to use in place of the date for the year entered as 9999 or 9998, then the citation would get rewritten to use the identified text in place of the date. This always seemed like a kludge, but an understandable one for the great architecture that Ron Jerome setup all the way back in Drupal 4! I’m looking to ‘properly’ address the status field, but so far I haven’t found how this is being handled in CiteProc-PHP or any other CSL processor. Does it require the CSL to be configured to use the status field (a modification of standards like Chicago/APA/MLA)? Is the expectation that the CSL processor overrides some data or formatting irrespective of the CSL chosen? Happy to be a part of this community!

I’m Andrew and I am working on extending bibcite, the heir-apparent to biblio in the Drupal ecosystem. My employer supports 14 annotated bibliography publications through their Open Publishing program. These are all currently on biblio (Drupal 7) and we’re working through moving them to bibcite on Drupal 10+. There have been bumps along the way as I’m learning Drupal 10, the new structures in bibcite and working to extend it to replace some of the features that were missing when Bibcite was created. Some of the features include:

  • sort titles with configurable leading articles removed
  • contributor (authors/editors/etc) linking (for pseudonyms/pen-names/misattribution/etc)
  • author and title linking in the bibliography search view
  • pre-configured facet based searching and filtering
  • improved editing experience

Hi @aghrt, and welcome!

For places, as here, where we’re silent in the spec document, we typically recommend looking at citeproc-js and zotero. Have you done that?

It’s probably something we should handle more formally.