Bruce, do we use for the in-text citations,
or is that for something else?
SimonBegin forwarded message:
Bruce, do we use for the in-text citations,
or is that for something else?
SimonBegin forwarded message:
Simon Kornblith wrote:
Bruce, do we use for the in-text citations,
or is that for something else?
I’ve not looked at whether we’ve covered that in the transition. Maybe
we need a “cited-number” variable or some such? We don’t want to to
overlap document “number.”
I’ve never seen a numeric style that does page numbers. Is this a
theoretical example John?
Bruce> Simon
I’ve never seen a numeric style that does page numbers. Is
this a theoretical example John?
I can’t say I’ve ever seen the example I gave [3, p.34], but the format [3:34] does rattle around in the back of my memory. But I couldn’t say where saw it (if I really ever did). I spend enough time with older books that sometimes I see styles and formats no longer used.
This one seems perfectly logical. I suspect that it’s used in some corner of the world.