comments on nature style

For both the list archive and Mike; am taking a look at some of the new
styles, and have some (inline) comments …

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?oxygen RNGSchema="file:/Users/mikowitz/Documents/Development/CSLs/csl.rnc" type="compact"?> Nature Journals 2007-08-29T15:15:00+08:00 Your author macros are too simple I think, not accounting for cases where there are no listed authors. Given that author lists are often crucial for formatting and sorting, would be good to address this. For sake of argument, what if an item has both a DOI and a URI? Does this really warrant a cs:substitute element?

Your author macros are too simple I think, not accounting for cases
where there are no listed authors. Given that author lists are often
crucial for formatting and sorting, would be good to address this.

The style also doesn’t let you cite books, which is sometimes
necessary, even when publishing in scientific fields.

 <macro name="author">
     <names variable="author">
         <name sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " and="symbol"

initialize-with=“.” delimiter-precedes-last=“never”

For sake of argument, what if an item has both a DOI and a URI? Does
this really warrant a cs:substitute element?

This should be an ; isn’t allowed in this context
and won’t validate. Otherwise, it’s fine. But, the Nature style guide
states that the DOI/URL should only be included for Web-only
journals, so we probably need an extra conditional.


Well, it let’s you cite them; just not correctly I presume.

BTW, I notice you guys also aren’t configuring the bibliography list
(with the heading) in your styles. I know Zotero doesn’t yet support
this, but it seems to me a useful thing to include.


Yes, but according to Simon (I’ve not checked), substitute isn’t
allowed there (probably only as a child of cs:names).

Also, keep in mind that formatting is also dependent on the data. If
for some reason a record has a URI and a DOI, and users really can’t
bear allowing both to be printed, you can always do something like
