We’ve encountered a problem that I suspect is a bug in citeproc-js. I’m attaching the citeproc-json file. Note how there are a lot of authors, some of which have family/given names, and some of which are specified with “literal”.
The output that I’m getting has the order of the authors all wrong, for all of the three styles that we’re using. It seems that the literal authors are causing the processor to break. The outputs are below (sans some formatting).
Is this a known bug, or is there something I’m missing?
Vv V, Ww W, Xx X, et al. with Aa A, Bb B, Cc C et al., Literal J, Kk K, Ll L, Mm M et al., Literal U. Stuff and nonsense. My Favorite Journal. 2015;24(2):582-596. doi:10.1234/mfj/1234.
Vv, V et al. with Aa, A, B Bb, et al., Literal J and Kk, K, L Ll et al., Literal U. “Stuff and Nonsense.” My Favorite Journal 24.2 (2015): 582–596. PMC. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
Vv, V., Ww, W., Xx, X., Yy, Y., Zz, Z., Aaa, A., … Fff, F. with Aa, A., Bb, B., Cc, C., Dd, D., Ee, E., Ff, F., … Ii, I., Literal J and Kk, K., Ll, L., Mm, M., Nn, N., Oo, O., Pp, P., … Tt, T., Literal U. (2015). Stuff and nonsense. My Favorite Journal, 24(2), 582–596. doi:10.1234/mfj/1234–
Chris Maloney
NIH/NLM/NCBI (Contractor)
Building 45, 4AN36D-12