The thought has just occurred to me: do we really need all these
"author-short" macros in styles (like APA), or could we just encourage
… instead? This gets also to Rintze’s question about the use of short form.
The thought has just occurred to me: do we really need all these
"author-short" macros in styles (like APA), or could we just encourage
… instead? This gets also to Rintze’s question about the use of short form.
The thought has just occurred to me: do we really need all these
“author-short” macros in styles (like APA), or could we just encourage
…… instead? This gets also to Rintze’s question about the use of short form.
The renderings for “author” and “author-short” could differ in many
ways. The and= option could differ. Initialize-with= might be
included in one and not in the other. Different substitutions (say
for “Anonymous” versus “Anon”) might be used. If title substitutions
are used, one might use the long form of the title, the other the
short form.