And my response to your response, without the CC to you this time.
May I give a hearty +1 for changing the list defaults to “reply to
list”. The argument rages but for a discussion and inclusion list I
think it is the right thing to do 
Hi James,
You can access the Subversion repository for the project at
ok, that is different from the one that I had forgotten having trouble
connecting to:
svn co citeproc
I did get the https working, but it was so long ago I’d forgotten all
about it 
Ok, I’m sure that you guys will work out the canonical location soon.
The one you sent worked fine for me. Not sure about the branching et
but in reality my focus is to stomp bugs and help Bruce
deliver the little remain pieces that he hasnt already developed…
Quite amazing to go from a non-developer to an XSLT-uber-geek in a
couple of months if you ask me 
Yeah, it is quite an achievement. And I’ve proven to myself tonight
that citeproc both works and that XLST is something I want to get
better at, so I’m happy about that.
^^^ NICE!!! ^^^ Bruce, you have another convert 
completely inaccessible or if they are accessible so hopped up on
caffeine that available must now be considered on a case-per-case
basis, personal safety the concern more than the bug being submitted.

Yeah, did I see right that you are considering the Trac system?
Yeah, we considered it and decided that it just wasnt going to work
for this project… We really needed something less, browser per-se
and more commandline-ish so Bruce decided on… Ok, I cant go anywhere
further with this one…
Bruce even found the time to doll it all up with tickets and
milestones and all sorts of fun stuff. So I’d say that between
becoming an XSLT hacker over the holiday season and properly managing
this piece of the project hes got a lot accomplished in some pretty
amazing time periods [NOTE: you must always remember than “managing”
me means finding ways to avoid getting the next flight out to SLC,
stopping by the hardware store on the way to my apartment and using
the newly purchased lock and chains to smash the window as an element
of surprisewhich would be long enough to keep me stunned while you
subsequently lock me down and sturnly state “CODE. NOW!” I’m guessing
this is only one of several tactics Bruce considered but in reality it
was the learning curve of Linux AND Trac that kept me swearing that if
I ever found the man that was responsible for this sick joke that I
was the butt of he might find plenty of time to make the install
process something less of a complete rewrite of all that is plain and
logical as he nurses his two broken legs back to health… luckily
something magic happened and when I typed some gibberish into the
command-line and it worked whomever this was was finding the voodoo
hex I pay $6000 for suddently and mysterious “MIA” (the $6000 grand
covered a “watch him and if he tries to run, tackle him and gag him
and call me to let me know” added bonus curse to use at anytime… its
too bad I dont believe in curses, huh!? 
It seems to me that building a great set of test cases and a regression
testing system is vital to a system like this, do you agree? Do you
have any ideas on how we can get something like that going?
I do have ideas but want to deliver these few little bugs that are
standing in the way of a release such that Bruce can stop paying for
the monthly Oxygen tank rental. From a good and bad stand point last
weekends efforts resulted in finding what seem to have been the last
and final showstoppers for Saxon.NET and as such as I already
mentioned I wil be delivering this to the rest of the crew to take on
from here… I do have Saxon# which is my new solo project but with a
completed Saxon.NET in 1.0 release format the pressure is off me from
that angle and I can slowly and correctly begin to desing the
architecture for Saxon# while I put citeproc on my full time status
listing for the next 3-4 weeks until it is at a point that is felt to
be the “right” place to call a v1 release that is ready to handle all
that is thrown at it and more from both a code standpoint. support
standpoint, and expand into new ideas and pinpoint the next focus
What processor are you using to run the transform at the moment? Saxon
or Saxon.NET?