Some style guides require journal abbrevations with periods, others without
(e.g. “Nat. Cell Biol.” vs. “Nat Cell Biol”, see,
although the abbrevation itself is the same. As removing periods is easier
than adding them (as in the example Cell shouldn’t receive a period), I made
the choice to use the journal abbreviations with periods in all the entries
of my Zotero library. The only caveat here is that I don’t have an easy way
to remove the periods if needed. Is there a possible addition to CSL to
facilitate this? I can think of the following:
- allow multiple abbreviation fields. This would require more input from the
user, and clear ways to call a certain abbreviation type from within CSL
styles. - allow automatic conversion of abbreviation fields in the CSL
implementations (e.g. strip/add periods). Adding periods would require some
knowledge on which words shouldn’t receive a period, but removing periods
should be relatively easy, although I don’t know what kind of syntax that
could take: maybe some kind of strip-command could be added, e.g. .
Any thoughts?