number style question


For those familiar with number-style citations common in the sciences,
what would you call a flag that says to convert “[1, 2, 3]” to “[1-3]”?
Would something like this work?

 <citation type="number" number_abbreviate="true"/>

I never use the style, so have no opinion. I also don’t know how to
program this bit in XSLT, so I may first implement in CSL and later
figure how to actually get the correct output.


concatenate?Op 3-jun-2006, om 18:18 heeft Bruce D’Arcus het volgende geschreven:

For those familiar with number-style citations common in the sciences,
what would you call a flag that says to convert “[1, 2, 3]” to

Alright, for now I’ve added an optional “concatenate” attribute to the
citation element. I had considered putting this on a new "numbers"
global config element, but I’m not sure that’d be appropriate.
