new blog post on editor/repo vision

Actually, thinking more …On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 4:36 PM, fcheslack <@fcheslack> wrote:

So is each style its own repo? If not, what is a “single file branch”?

What I was thinking was the authoritative repo would hold all the
styles, then there might be a dev clone on which a branch would be
created for each edited style. So as a logged in user I edit
biochemistry.csl and a branch named fcheslack_edit_biochemistry.csl is
created on the dev repo and stays there until a maintainer pulls it
into the authoritative repo. It might instead work better to have a
clone for each user when they edit.

I think the clone-per-user notion would probably be the
git/hg-appropriate choice.

Might be possible to exploit git version checksums as well for
versioned ids, though I’d have to think about this some more.


a. have a look at Yahoo Query Language community tables for an

b. I don’t think we should rebuilt github, because it’s nuts, was
written by Linus “Linux” Torvalds and no one understands the
underlying architecture.

c. darcs is a much better dcvs from a theoretical point of view.

d. I don’t imagine that updates would be pushed to users, but rather
pulled at their behest.

a. have a look at Yahoo Query Language community tables for an

b. I don’t think we should rebuilt github, because it’s nuts, was
written by Linus “Linux” Torvalds and no one understands the
underlying architecture.


c. darcs is a much better dcvs from a theoretical point of view.

I tend to use darcs myself for my own stuff. The real question is
whether it makes sense to use a DVCS as the basis for this, or whether
it instead makes more sense to recreate the basic functionality of a
VCS with more traditional web backends.

If we decide it does make some sense, then we’d want to itemize
requirements (technical, and otherwise), and assess the primary
options: git, mercurial, darcs, bazaar.

d. I don’t imagine that updates would be pushed to users, but rather
pulled at their behest.

Maybe configurable (“auto-update styles” → “yes”|“no”)? If no, then
perhaps you get a pop up with the list of changed styles with a short
description of the change, and ability to individually select the ones
to update?
