OK, here’s what I’ve come up with as the simplest general solution:
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
<rule when-more-than="6" and-position="first" use-first="1"/>
<rule when-more-than="2" and-less-than="6" and-position="subsequent"
That implements the APA algorithm.
A more simple example – say for Chicago – would just be:
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
<rule when-more-than="3" use-first="1"/>
<bibliography author-as-sort-order="all" author-shorten="yes">
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
<rule when-more-than="3" use-first="1"/>
For reference, current et al. handling is a single attribute, like this:
<names initialize-with=". " shorten-after="3" and-as=" &"/>
… where the actual rendering (et al.) is hard-coded in the XSLT.
The only thing I don’t like about this new approach – aside from it
being more verbose than needed in most cases – is that the content is
in an attribute.
What do people think? Could this be implemented reasonably in a GUI?
How would that work with biblio styles that require ‘et al’ to be in
italics?On May 22, 2005, at 6:00 PM, Bruce D’Arcus wrote:
OK, here’s what I’ve come up with as the simplest general solution:
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
That implements the APA algorithm.
A more simple example – say for Chicago – would just be:
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
For reference, current et al. handling is a single attribute, like
… where the actual rendering (et al.) is hard-coded in the XSLT.
The only thing I don’t like about this new approach – aside from it
being more verbose than needed in most cases – is that the content is
in an attribute.
What do people think? Could this be implemented reasonably in a GUI?
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Two options:
add more attributes for styling
add a “render” element with those attributes
It’s always safer to go with elements, even if they feel more verbose
(and are).
I think I figured out how to simplify this a lot. Instead of doing
<multi-name-replace replace-with="et al.">
<rule when-more-than="6" and-position="first" use-first="1"/>
<rule when-more-than="2" and-less-than="6" and-position="subsequent"
… which is somewhat inconsistent, verbose, and difficult to process,
I instead say that styles such as this (APA) distinguish first from
subsequent citation rendering, and so should be configured in ways
consistent with that styling in the note classes.
<ibid min-authors="6" use-first="1" font-style="italic">ibid.</ibid>
<entry delimiter=";">
<suffix> </suffix>
<prefix>: </prefix>
<ibid min-authors="3" use-first="1" font-style="italic">ibid.</ibid>
<entry delimiter=";">
<suffix> </suffix>
<prefix>: </prefix>
The only thing that kind of sucks with this is it’s more verbose.
A hybrid alternative would be:
<ibid font-style="italic">
<first min-authors="6" use-first="1"
Again, these decisions should be made based on a number of factors,
including how amenable they are to GUIs.
Um, am tired; substitute “ibid” in the markup example with “et-al”!
So here’s the corrected alternative:
<first min-authors="6" use-first="1"/>
<subsequent min-authors="3" use-first="1"/>
<renderas font-style="italic">et al.</renderas>
<entry delimiter=";">
<suffix> </suffix>
<prefix>: </prefix>
For the bibliography in APA, you’d get:
<bibliography author-as-sort-order="all" author-shorten="yes">
<all min-authors="6" use-first="6"/>
<renderas font-style="italic">et al.</renderas>
Note: am not sure APA asks for italicized “et al.” phrases, but just
responding to James’ question about that.