FYI, forwarded from the OpenOffice dev that’s been implementing the
new RDF-based metadata system. This would likely be a good mechanism
by which to enable ODF-based citation interop across CSL
implementations.-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 19:10:33 +0100
From: Michael Stahl xxxxxx@Sun.COM
Subject: RDF API now in Developer Guide
hi all,
i’ve finally had time to write some documentation for the RDF API that
implements the ODF 1.2 metadata support.
This will ship with OOo 3.2 for the first time, and lets you write
extensions to add all kinds of stuff to ODF documents.
You can even add annotations to individual ODF document content elements!
please have a look at the new page in the Developer Guide:
[ and tell me what is unclear and should be improved ]
regards, michael
PS: i’d like to thank Vincent Spiewak, who was first to try out this API,
and provided valuable questions that made me write a better documentation