I’m working on my proposal at the moment and I’d like to decide how
I’m going to handle the text and the references.
Historically I’ve written in LateX using TeXshop.app and managed
references in bibtex using BibDesk.
I did once try writing with docbook NG and formatting references
using citeproc but I found it a little difficult. Is docbook still
the preferred format for citeproc development or has the focus
shifted to OpenOffice? Is there currently a way to run citeproc on
ODT formatted files?
In any case, I’d prefer to work with a readable plain-text
representation, something like textile or markdown, so that I can
share parts of my work for comment. That way I can copy parts into a
word doc and send it to my committee, most of whom prefer to use the
track changes and commenting features in word, I can then take their
edits and comments and work the contents back into well formed
representation ready for processing with whatever the chosen system
is. I’m happy for the citations to be coded someway (I’ve had \citet
{author00title} before without people freaking out.).