dates again

Am working through the schema and example documents, and am torn again
on the issue of dates in MODS (and indeed in bib data more generally).
The hard part is stuff like periodical articles, and we need to settle
on a convention for handling them.

All of the below are valid under MODS. Should I change this under MODS
Tight? Right now I don’t allow the mods:part element, but in this case
maybe that’s a bad idea?

Deforestation in Central America Spanish Legacy and North American Consumers Norman Myers author Richard P Tucker author text Environmental Review continuing academic journal Spring 1987 55 71 Deforestation in Central America Spanish Legacy and North American Consumers Norman Myers author Richard P Tucker author text Environmental Review continuing 2000 academic journal Spring 55 71 Deforestation in Central America Spanish Legacy and North American Consumers Norman Myers author Richard P Tucker author 2000 text Environmental Review continuing academic journal Spring 55 71
