So Johan has been posting about this progress on the CSL editor he was
working on. He’s come a long way, and has a working application, which
is great! Just copying my reply to his questions here for followup:====
On your first question, how stable it is depends on the feedback I get
from developers, which includes you, and the OpenOffice/OpenDocument
people. The questions I posed on the list recently lay out the issue I
see, so let me know there if you suggest any changes.
You can certainly put it on my project site, and I can even give you
CVS access if you like. Just let me know (maybe with a followup on the
dev list) and we’ll go from there.
BTW, the reason I don’t use the CVS is just that I prefer using darcs
for my development stuff.
The primary open questions are:
a) whether I ought to work to make it more compact, which means:
- removing some the current nesting (say the "terms" element)
- removing dates and moving it all to attributes
- moving much more content to attributes (like the prefix/suffix
b) How well the layout description works with its nesting.
c) I may also consider tweaking the info section to be embedded RDF
Also, if I can pitch it for inclusion in OD, that will mean using the
fo namespace for the styling attributes, and the OD text namespace for
Many of the above are minor changes, of course, but am not sure how
Cocoa handles XML.
I come back to all this tomorrow (it’s 2 am now here). Just one thing
I wanted to ask. I never quite understood what a namespace is. Can
you describe it for me in a short explanation? Or do you know a good
reference? I don’t need to know everything, just what it is for and
how I can see from a xml file what namespace(s) are used.
A namespace binds a uri to a node to disambiguate conflicting names. A
namespace prefix binds a prefix to a namespace uri. So a declaration
like this:
… does just that, and csl:title is then in that namespace, to
distinguish from, say, mods:title.
It’s really important in any complex XML stuff so that the tools know
what to do. If you tell them to look for csl:title, they will ignore
any other title node.
In any case, you’d end up with:
<cs:title text:prefix="(" text:suffix=")"/>
BTW, this:
… declares the “default namespace.”
On your first question, how stable it is depends on the feedback I
get from developers, which includes you, and the OpenOffice/
OpenDocument people. The questions I posed on the list recently lay
out the issue I see, so let me know there if you suggest any changes.
Here is a suggestion:
Info.BasedOn = element basedOn { Info.Title, Info.Version? }
Info. BasedOnTitle = element basedOnTitle { text }
Info. BasedOnVersion? = element basedOnVersion { text }
Just because that’s easier for me…
Is their a good reason to
nest this?
You can certainly put it on my project site, and I can even give
you CVS access if you like. Just let me know (maybe with a
followup on the dev list) and we’ll go from there.
BTW, the reason I don’t use the CVS is just that I prefer using
darcs for my development stuff.
I don’t have access to a CVS (or similar system). I think that it
would at some point become handy, once the main structure of my app
stands. My account name on SF is johankool.
The primary open questions are:
a) whether I ought to work to make it more compact, which means:
- removing some the current nesting (say the “terms” element)
- removing dates and moving it all to attributes
- moving much more content to attributes (like the prefix/suffix
b) How well the layout description works with its nesting.
c) I may also consider tweaking the info section to be embedded RDF
Also, if I can pitch it for inclusion in OD, that will mean using
the fo namespace for the styling attributes, and the OD text
namespace for prefix/suffix.
Many of the above are minor changes, of course, but am not sure how
Cocoa handles XML.
NSXML_Concepts/index.html is what I use. This makes it require 10.4,
but that was already the case because I use NSTreeController as well.
Thanks for the namespace explanation!
JohanOp 8-okt-2005, om 2:04 heeft Bruce D’Arcus het volgende geschreven:
CSLEditor ? No hurry, as I won’t be putting it on CVS until it’s in a
more advanced state. And I am not too familiar with CVS either.
Progress so far:
- Info pane working except for authors and sources
Now I want to get onto the Bibliography pane.
JohanOp 8-okt-2005, om 15:34 heeft Bruce D’Arcus het volgende geschreven:
I added you as a developer with CVS access Johan. I don’t have time
to work out the rest right now, but feel free if you like.
Obviously your thing would be a module.
Question to consider: what happens if you or someone else comes along
and has the obvious thought: “hmm … a good start of a full bib app”?
Just something to think about as you set things up.
I added you as a developer with CVS access Johan. I don’t have time
to work out the rest right now, but feel free if you like.
Thanks. I didn’t really get to it much today. I’ll check it out later.
Question to consider: what happens if you or someone else comes along
and has the obvious thought: “hmm … a good start of a full bib app”?
Isn’t that the whole point of Open Source software?
If they
adhere to the license I choose for putting it online, I have no
problem with this. I am not yet sure which license to choose though.
I usually prefer BSD over GPL, but that’s from a developer’s code
consuming prospective. I’ll think about it.
JohanOp 9-okt-2005, om 22:57 heeft Bruce D’Arcus het volgende geschreven: