sorry for bad English, I’m now having some problem with format the Chinese author name for bibliography.
Here is the problem.
The conference publication template require the bibliography as:
But I cant find any similar style and whatever I tried in Visual CSL editor, it doesnt work.
this article’s CSL json is :
“id”: “sheng-linchiuBreakupCompoundLiquid2008”,
“type”: “article-journal”,
“abstract”: “A periodic excitation was applied to a compound liquid jet, which was composed of a core liquid, water, surrounded by a shell liquid, diesel oil, for an experimental investigation on its breakup. The core‐to‐shell mass ratio, γ, and the ratio of disturbance wavelength to undisturbed diameter of the compound jet, λ/D, were taken into consideration as parameters to describe the breakup processes of the compound jet. For γ < 0.36, the compound jet breakup was classified into six patterns. By comparing the breakup of a single diesel jet to that of a water‐in‐diesel compound jet, two conclusions were drawn. First, the uniform drop regime of the compound jet was wider than that of the single jet. Second, both the single jet and water‐in‐diesel compound jet broke randomly in the range of λ/D ≤ 3.”,
“container-title”: “Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers”,
“DOI”: “10.1080/02533839.2008.9671354”,
“ISSN”: “0253-3839”,
“issue”: “1”,
“note”: “publisher: Taylor & Francis\n_eprint:”,
“page”: “1–8”,
“source”: “Taylor and Francis+NEJM”,
“title”: “Breakup of compound liquid jets under periodic excitation at small core‐to‐shell mass ratios”,
“URL”: “”,
“volume”: “31”,
“author”: [
“literal”: “Sheng‐Lin Chiu”
“literal”: “Ta‐Hui Lin”
“accessed”: {
“date-parts”: [
“issued”: {
“date-parts”: [
Is this a style of Chinese journal? Perhaps you can request a CSL style at zotero-chinese/styles and I can help.