A sort of follow up to Towards a simpler and extensible CSL 2.0; or What can we learn from citeproc (hs) and djot? - #8 by Bruce_D_Arcus1
I’ve been thinking a bit whether we could simplify the style distribution model and make it more flexible: Currently, maintaining the styles repo takes a lot of time and energy. Maybe we could learn something here from package managers, and use a more decentralized approach. Scoop, for example, has the concept of buckets. Different kinds of applications go into different buckets. Maybe we could adopt a similar approach: a main bucket with the main styles, which would be actively developed and curated. Everything that goes in there has to be of high quality. Then another bucket for hack-free styles, but of minor importance, publishers, journals and such. Then, a third bucket for everything else. Zotero could then choose to only add certain repos by default.
Or, we could even allow arbitrary git repos as sources, as long as they conform to some directory structure. The official Zotero repo would then be the one with the strictest standards, but there would be others, e.g. institutional repos or so.
What do you think? Would that make sense?