So I’m seriously thinking of getting rid of the relation attribute I
added after flattening the structure. It’s occurred to me that the
only structure where level really matters is titles, and so I can add
a few more title elements. Result would look something like the
below. Any comments/objections?
<template type="chapter">
<prefix> (</prefix>
<suffix>) </suffix>
<containerTitle font-style="italic">
<prefix>, In </prefix>
<prefix> </prefix>
<prefix>,  </prefix>
<prefix> [accessed on </prefix>
<prefix>, </prefix>
<template type="article">
<author alternate="containerTitle"/>
<prefix> (</prefix>
<suffix>) </suffix>
<containerTitle font-style="italic">
<prefix> </prefix>
<suffix>, </suffix>
<suffix>, </suffix>
<prefix>,  </prefix>
<prefix> [accessed on </prefix>
<prefix>, </prefix>
<template type="document-archival">
<author alternate="title"/>
<prefix> (</prefix>
<suffix>) </suffix>
<collectionTitle font-style="italic">
<prefix> </prefix>
<suffix>, </suffix>
<prefix>,  </prefix>
<prefix> [accessed on </prefix>
<prefix>, </prefix>