
Just a head’s up for Johan re: the unit tests.

I’d actually forgot how it worked, but I used py.test, which I was told
was a nice and easy-to-use framework. I really don’t care; just wanted
something good.

Here’s how you run it from the test directory (it knows you have a unit
test when it see “test_” on the file name), and what you see (though
here it’s just failing, maybe because of a path issue?):

~/xbiblio/citeproc-py/test# py.test
inserting into sys.path: /Users/darcusb/build/py-dist
============================= test process starts==============================
testing-mode: inprocess
executable: /opt/local/bin/python (2.4.1-final-0)
using py lib: /Users/darcusb/build/py-dist/py <rev 22875> FAILED TO LOAD MODULE FAILED TO LOAD MODULE FAILED TO LOAD MODULE

_________________________________ entrypoint:

E from citeproc import CiteProcessor

ImportError: No module named citeproc


_________________________________ entrypoint:

E from citeproc import CiteProcessor

ImportError: No module named citeproc


_________________________________ entrypoint:

E from citeproc import CiteProcessor

ImportError: No module named citeproc


=================== tests finished: 3 failed in 0.69 seconds

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