Fine, I’ll try to clarify a bit more:
To represent book chapters in multivolume monographs as required by
CMoS and others, four different kinds of title variables are needed:
title, (the proposed) volume-title, container-title, and
In the following example,
Diener, Ed. 2009. “Cross-Cultural Correlates of Life Satisfaction and
Self-Esteem.” In Culture and Well-being, Vol. 2 of The Collected
Works of Ed Diener, 71–92. Social Indicators Research Series.
Dordrecht: Springer.
“Cross-Cultural Correlates of Life Satisfaction and Self-Esteem” quite
clearly is the title (of the chapter); and “Social Indicators Research
Series” is the series title, i.e., in CSL, the collection-title. I
would argue that the title of the multivolume monograph, The
Collected Works of Ed Diener, is the container-title, and that for
the title of the single volume, Culture and Well-being, a new
variable, “volume-title” should be introduced.
Again, the name is not that important, but it should be clear that the
introduction of one additional CSL variable simply cannot be avoided.
If anyone thinks this is not the case, I’d like to ask them to point
out why not, and what solution they’d offer.
Now, if we agree that a new variable needs to be introduced (again, I
maintain that’s unavoidable), deliberations I’ve seen in this thread
on repurposing variables no longer make that much sense.
Of course, for a book, the existing three kinds of title variables are
sufficient: title for the single-volume title, container-title for the
title of the multivolume monograph, and collection-title for the
series title.
And, yes, in principle, for a journal article the existing three kinds
of title variables could also be repurposed somehow: title for the
title of the article, container-title for the title of the special
issue, and collection-title for the title of the journal – but I feel
this would only create confusion. I also feel (as I said before) that
journals and multivolume monographs are conceptually on the same level
and that their titles thus should both be “container-title”. Finally,
since the introduction of something like “volume-title” is necessary
anyway, I see no reason not to simply use this for the title of a
special issue, and leave container-title for the title of the journal,
as it has alwys been.
As to variable names, I can appreciate the idea of using abstract
terms. In this case, however, I still feel “volume-title” might be the
best solution. But for those who feel it should be more abstract: What
about “component-title”?