I have finally hit upon the issue noted by Frank below and, indeed, I
could need a little help understanding the specification in this case.
Here I am referring to test case:
When rendering the second item we have a book with an editor and a
title. Because there are no translators, the editor will be rendered
instead using the editor macro. But this macro is tricky.
Since we have a book in this case, we could simplify it like this:
Now, this presents three questions to me:
First, how should we deal with names nodes (when used as substitutions)
that have child nodes? (If I am not mistaken this is the question to
which Frank wanted to alert us) — I do agree that this should be stated
explicitly in the spec. My initial approach was to not inherit anything
from the original names node, thinking that if style authors added a
node there specifically, it should always be used. But then I thought of
macros and realized that it is very likely that macros could be used in
substitutions and in this case I think it makes more sense for the
formatting of the nodes being substituted for always taking precedence.
I am undecided what makes more sense here, and just wanted to know what
the consesus is on this point?
The second question I have is about the label node. The spec says this
in the Substitute section:
“A shorthand version of cs:names without child elements, which inherits
the attributes values set on the cs:name and cs:et-al child elements of
the original cs:names element, may also be used.”
Does that mean that the label node is never inherited?
But there is a third issue with this test case. When rendering Item-2 ,
which is a book, the editor macro looks like the one I printed above
(unfolding the choose node and editor-short-label macro).
citeproc-ruby renders this as “John-boy Doe ed.John-boy Doe editor.” and
I can’t say that I find any fault there. Here is what the spec says
about substitution and subsequent suppression:
“If cs:substitute contains multiple child elements, the first element to
return a non-empty result is used for substitution. Substituted
variables are suppressed in the rest of the output to
prevent duplication.”
I have implemented it this way: when rendering substitutions, I start
rendering each child. Before the rendering starts, an observer object is
attached to the citation item that keeps track of all variables being
accessed. Now, if the child renders a non-empty result, this will be
used as the substiution. At this point can I mark all variables that
were used as suppressed (they are not deleted, but marked as suppressed,
so that conditional tests etc. still find the values, but at the same
time I can make sure they will not be printed again etc.). For this
reason, the output above makes a lot of sense to me.
However, the expected test result is just: “John-boy Doe ed.” — but this
does not seem right to me. The spec says, the first element to return a
non-empty result is used for substitution. In this case, this is the
editor macro which actually prints the editor twice!
Obviously, this is a quite complicated example, so if I’ve made a
mistake, please do point me to it. In any case, I would be very
interested in your opinion on this, because as it stands I am reluctant
to change the way citeproc-ruby handles this.
signature.asc (198 Bytes)