You could consider opening up a draft pull request for citeproc-js on github?
Thanks for your suggestion. I will do that later.
my obvious question would be about generalizing it beyond Japanese; how would that work?
I have not thought of generalizing. Since parts of zh and ja were already hardcoded, I just thought of a way to give more freedom in the csl use, or a better default if we need to do hardcoding. The function _renderJapaneseName could be written as _renderCJKName if there are common issues in Chinese and/or Korean regarding the default, but this will need inputs from people who know the other two languages.
Thank you for your input.
The threading works seem to have lost the context, but I’ve never encountered a need for affixes (like Jr or III) in Japanese
I am sorry the title (my initial intent) is confusing. I do not know if I need to open a new thread but to summarize, I am interested in the following topic.
→ “Rendering contributors in Kanji, Katakana, and English (with different styles) in one Japanese document”
I do not know if this already has a solution but I am detailing my problem below.
It’s perfectly possible that I missed something there, but in any case the CSL-M spec and the processor do not anticipate them.
At first, I was asking for the ability to render name-part affixes because I wanted to have this punctuation 「・」(中黒) between first name and family name for katakana, without manually tweaking the entry. But I realized that was not my only problem when rendering Japanese. So I proposed the changes above. I will do a pull request once I am sure my proposal makes sense for Japanese users .
As far as I know, when we write a Japanese article, we mainly encounter the four kinds of contributors below. Tweaking the csl file, I could not achieve (2) and (3) at the same time as the others.
- Japanese names
(栗本 2006)
- Non Japanese katakana names
(ジャクソンほか 2019)
- Non Japanese romanesque name in translation (Not common in my field and I was not aware of this until I saw @mayfair’s input)
(Morgan & Patrov 2023)
- English entry
(McClure et al. 1985)
I have tried to play with csl files and got purely Japanese entries (1) and purely English entries (4) with the help of conditions. However, I could never get the other forms. Solving this is what I am proposing in the code below.
I might also have missed other forms of citation that could be considered or even some easier ways to deal with this issue.
The following thread seems to be related to this issue (the affixing part) but I am not sure how it was solved at the end.
Thank you for your time.