This discussion got pretty arcane on the forums so I moved it to dev
You advise:
Add “Press Release” to droplist of publication/media type
Just use “document”. IMHO there’s nothing particularly special
about a press release that warrants its own type. I say this as
someone who cites them.
Users can’t currently use “document” in Zotero because it does not
include “type” or “place” fields.
In general, users can’t currently use “document” to cite all
documents without a dedicated Zotero item type because there is no
way to determine whether the title is cited in italics (as
published), or quotation marks (as unpublished).
in the excerpt you quote above, what logical principle allows the
CMS to say “is treated like an unpublished source”?
Titles for published documents are usually cited in italics, titles
for unpublished documents are usually cited in quotation marks (this
is basically what CMS means by “is treated like an unpublished source”).
Right now, most CSL item types, as a fallback, are mapped to either
“book” (title in italics) or “article” (title in quotation marks).
Because you want to cite both published and unpublished documents via
the “document” item type, you won’t be able to fallback “document” to
either of these.
What are the characteristics of an “unpublished source”? That we
call it that? Or is it something really banal like a lack of a
Both CMS and MLA treat “informally published material” as
unpublished, and I suspect most other styles do too. Moreover,
sometimes unpublished document do include a name of an institution in
a citation.
For example, this report citation does not include a publisher
string, yet the title is formatted in italics:
Merrill Lynch Advisory Services Group, Merrill Lynch Consults
Service, Disclosure Statement, April 2000.
whereas a working paper may include the name of the institution where
it was drafted, formatted as a publisher would be, yet the title
would be enclosed in quotation marks.
I. Clark, “Should the IMF Become More Adaptive?” Working Paper WP/
96/11 (Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1996).
Because of these quirks, “publisher” field by itself does not
determine whether the document is formatted as unpublished.
And what formatting rules trigger in that situation? Perhaps the
“news release” note gets added to better describe the resource?
Sure, but that doesn’t help with italics vs. quotation marks issue.
To use “document” item type to cite “press release”, or any other
document for which no clear item type exists, Zotero would need to
add three fields to “document”:
“place” - to denote place of creation/publication
“type” - to enter the type of document
“publication status” - to denote whether the document is published
or not.
“Publication status” string could then determine how the title is
This may be a possible solution for CSL (although I don’t think so)
but it seems to me way too general for Zotero item types.
Currently in Zotero, odd published documents can be formatted as
“report” item type (fallback to CSL “book”) and odd unpublished
documents can be formatted as “manuscript” item type (fallback to CSL
“article”). It works great in CSL and needs only minor tweaking with
Zotero fields and CSL schema.
Unpublished documents are a pretty big category and need their own
item type for convenient entry, just as “journal article” and
“magazine article” need their own types right now instead of a
generic “article” and a special field to denote “type of periodical”.
Even in hierarchical item types I would suggest separating journal
and magazine articles for convenience. For the same reason, I would
suggest keeping “manuscript” for unpublished documents and “report”
for odd published sources.
I “cite press releases and other odd unpublished documents today”
as well, so to the extend we have different opinions on this, it
can’t be reduced to that.
You must not cite these types through Zotero/CSL then because you
keep suggesting on forums that people use “document” to cite these
despite the fact that currently (as you note yourself below) there is
no way to cite items like press releases correctly:
But the Document UI could use a “type” field so that users can
enter “press release.”
That’s just bad advice.