OK, how’s this for the localization markup?
In Accessed Forthcoming and page pages p ppThe terms element can either be a standalone file (which it hopefully
almost always will be), or embedded within a CSL file for
I suggest the following schema pattern:
cs-terms = element cs:terms { cs-locale+ }
cs-locale = element cs:locate { attribute xml:lang { xsd:language },
(cs-simple-term | cs-compound-term)+ }
cs-simple-term = element cs:term { attribute name { cs-terms.simple },
text }
cs-compound-term = element cs:term { attribute name { cs-terms.simple },
cs-term.single, cs-term.multiple }
cs-terms.simple = “in”
> “and”
> “forthcoming”
> “in press”
> “no date”
> “accessed”
> “edited by”
> “translated by”
> “edited by-short”
> “translated-by”
cs-terms.compound = “editor”
> “editor-short”
> “translator”
> “translator-short”
> “pages”
> “paragraphs”
… and so forth.
Is that what we want? If yes, please suggest additions to the list of