APA author ellipsis

The et-al-use-last attribute appears to be languishing:


The APA style that prompted its introduction can’t be fixed in a
distributed style because the attribute to turn it on is blocked in
the CSL schema. It’s been a year and a half. What are the chances of
opening this up?

Could Dan or Sean gives us any indication on a) whether the revision of the
Zotero data model is still planned for 3.5 and b) what the expected
timeline is for release? (here or off-list)

I rather fold the et-al-use-last attribute into a comprehensive CSL 1.0.1
release along with a new Zotero version, but I agree that we shouldn’t hold
off forever if we have no clue when CSL integration will receive attention
again from the Zotero team.

RintzeOn Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Frank Bennett <@Frank_Bennett>wrote:

Could Dan or Sean gives us any indication on a) whether the revision of the
Zotero data model is still planned for 3.5 and b) what the expected timeline
is for release? (here or off-list)

I rather fold the et-al-use-last attribute into a comprehensive CSL 1.0.1
release along with a new Zotero version, but I agree that we shouldn’t hold
off forever if we have no clue when CSL integration will receive attention
again from the Zotero team.


Why wait? The Zotero data model and this item are unrelated as far as
I can tell, and the restriction affects all projects that draw code
from the CSL repository.

I’m with Frank. If we’re doing the data-layer update for 3.5 in Zotero
it will realistically be a year or so until we get to a final release.
Why not do the couple of things - the et-al elipsis, the et-al
delimiter and whatever else is already working in the processor anyway

  • now as csl 1.0.1 and then combine the data update in Zotero with a
    CSL 1.1 release?

Obviously it would matter what the non-citeproc.js implementations say
about this, too.

Sebastian Karcher <@Sebastian_Karcher> writes:

I’m with Frank. If we’re doing the data-layer update for 3.5 in Zotero
it will realistically be a year or so until we get to a final release.
Why not do the couple of things - the et-al elipsis, the et-al
delimiter and whatever else is already working in the processor anyway

  • now as csl 1.0.1 and then combine the data update in Zotero with a
    CSL 1.1 release?

Obviously it would matter what the non-citeproc.js implementations say
about this, too.

citeproc-hs already supports “et-al-use-last” and many of the CSL-1.0.1
new features.


Same for Papers :slight_smile:

I think that’s all the major ones then - I’d be even more strongly in
favor of releasing a 1.0.1 version asap.