Yes, I know. There’s probably no elegant way to do this, but another
option is to have values like “sort-order” and “display-order”; maybe
borrow the attribute on bibliography.
I’ll take a look at what Chicago has to say about this tomorrow.
I see your point. If you want to avoid the atom:entry root element, I’d
suggest that we do something similar to the old approach, but make sure the
tags match up with the appropriate atom tags (published instead dateCreated,
updated instead of dateModified, etc.). We could even import the Atom
namespace, although that’s not necessary. Then, we should copy over only
title, id, published, and updated into the feed in order to minimize the
size of the file.
OK, tell me what the pattern should be? Here’s the atom entry one:
& atomCategory*
& atomContent?
& atomContributor*
& atomId
& atomLink*
& atomPublished?
& atomRights?
& atomSource?
& atomSummary?
& atomTitle
& atomUpdated
& extensionElement*)
In the url above, he has the content in a separate file. In that case,
wouldn’t that file be a standalone CSL file (probably sans metadata)?
Well, this is a minor detail we can work out. It’s easy to add the
metadata to the CSL file per se, or not.
We may as well preserve all the elements, except for atomContent and
atomLink (and maybe extensionElement). Field becomes category, dateCreated
becomes published, dateModified becomes updated, and description becomes
summary. We’d lose title-short, edition, version, and based
We may as well preserve all the elements, except for atomContent and
atomLink (and maybe extensionElement). Field becomes category,
becomes published, dateModified becomes updated, and description
Right. I’ve checked in the changes. The sample style includes:
Note, though, that Atom defines the dates as xsd:dateTime. I can change
that if necessary?
Right. I’ve checked in the changes. The sample style includes:
Note, though, that Atom defines the dates as xsd:dateTime. I can change
that if necessary?
It seems to me like using a different date format in the style files than in
the Atom feed would make the script to add new/updated CSL files to the feed
unnecessarily complicated. Anyway, keeping track of the time last modified
is probably a good idea, in case there are multiple updates to a given style
file in one day.